Source code for terrasensetk.utils.utils

from os import path
import datetime

[docs]def get_lucas_copernicus_path(): lucas_path = path.dirname(__file__) return path.join(lucas_path,"lucas_ds.pkl")
[docs]def get_time_interval(middle_date, number_of_days): """ Gets the time interval surrounding the middle date separated by slashes Args: middle_date: A string containing the date which will be included in the timerange number_of_days: The number of days counting from the `middle_date` that will correspond to the min and max date Returns: A list with the ´number_of_days´ before and after of the ´middle_date´ Example: >>> get_time_interval("15/09/1998", 3) >>> ['1998-09-12', '1998-09-18'] """ point_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(middle_date, '%d/%m/%y') days_before = point_date - datetime.timedelta(days=number_of_days) days_after = point_date + datetime.timedelta(days=number_of_days) return [days_before.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), days_after.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]
[docs]def get_indexes_from_bands(): link = r'' start = 450 step = 4.32 bands_dic = []; for i in range(0,116): bands_dic.append({"BAND_ID":i, "range":(round(start+(step*i),2),round(start+step*(i+1),2))}) #print(f'Band {i}: {start+(step*i):.2f} - {start+(step*(i+1)):.2f}') print(bands_dic)
from lxml import etree
[docs]def parse_table_to_dict(html_table): table = etree.HTML(html_table).find("body/table") rows = iter(table) headers = [col.text for col in next(rows)] for row in rows: values = [col.text for col in row] print (zip(headers, values))
from shapely.geometry import Point from math import sqrt
[docs]def to_square(polygon): pol = polygon.buffer(0.0005) minx, miny, maxx, maxy = pol.bounds # get the centroid centroid = [(maxx+minx)/2, (maxy+miny)/2] # get the diagonal diagonal = sqrt((maxx-minx)**2+(maxy-miny)**2) return Point(centroid).buffer(diagonal/2, cap_style=3)
#target third td from the table with class matrix #get_indexes_from_bands() #from html.parser import HTMLParser #import urllib.request as urllib2 #from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs #link = r'' #html_page = urllib2.urlopen(link) #soup = bs(html_page) #tables = soup.findAll("table") #print(tables[0]) #procurar dentro dos mi o valor e comparar com as merdinhas que tenho #for table in tables: #if table.findParent("table") is None: #print(str(table)) #print(str([:200]) #parse_table_to_dict(str(